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Magic of Coaching Spring Module 2022

The Magic of Coaching

We offer an opportunity to get inspiration with tools, connection and support for your working with your sports teams and young talents.
Working on your challenges, your dream projects and co-creating highly motivational trainings and ways to hold and guide your people on and off the field.

Are you ready to take your Coaching to the next level?

  • How satisfied are you with your team?
  • How is their teamplay evolving on and off the field?
  • How are you guiding and supporting each of your players, your entire team and the people around you and your team?
  • Does your training and coaching give you the energy you need and want for yourself?

The Magic of Coaching is an opportunity to get inspiration with tools, connection and support for your working with your sportteams and young talents. Working on your challenges, your dream projects and co-creating highly motivational trainings and ways to hold and guide your people on the field and in daily life.

Are you hungry for more depth and learning more about team play? We are excited to seeing you!

What are you dreaming for your team?

We are bringing our own experience as team players, as coaches and guides to these Magic of Coaching into the TeamPlay Academy. What we have learnt in soccer, ice hockey and other team sports over the years, we have combined with an ancient teaching tradition from the Northern parts of the Americas, the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge. This is an ancient wisdom bundle from people who have lived with nature, and who have moved and lived together in smaller and larger teams. The wisdom of how to be together, to learn, to grow and to deal with challenges and conflicts in a good way, is the essence of these ancient tools and maps for our human consciousness to evolve and blossom today and tomorrow.

Are you hungry for more depth and learning more about team play?

Building on our 1,5 years of coaching corners during the Covid-months since 2020, we have created 4 new inspiring training module that follow the seasons of the year.

We are excited to seeing you!

Join our Spring Module in April 2022!

We are looking forward to our Spring Training module of 3 months starting with a 1,5days kick-off on April 1st and 2nd, 2022 in the Gantrisch, a mountainous magic land close to Bern, Switzerland.

Free info-events for the Spring Module

Join us for the free info-events for this training module on:

  • December 8th, 2021, from 18:00 - 19:15 CET / Swiss Time, on Zoom
  • January 25h, 2022, from 17:30 - 18:45 CET  / Swiss Time, on Zoom

These info-gatherings are free of charge and give you an insight in what the Magic of Coaching Spring Module is all about and how you can profit from this 3 month training program with the kick-off, the mentoring program and the Coaching Corners that will be held online – with a gathering every 2 weeks in the 3 months.

Your Guides for the Magic of Coaching and 7Generations TeamPlay Academy:

  • David Egli (Switzerland
  • Fredrik Petterson (Sweden)
  • Julie Clausen (Denmark)
  • Matti Straub-Fischer (Switzerland)
  • Valerie Asch (Philippines)

For more information on the Magic of Coaching, the TeamPlay Academy and the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge please enter your information in the the contact form below.

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