Circle Business
Make your business regenerative
A master-training program to transform your company into a self-organizing, healthy and regenerative organization.
How can you make your business a truly regenerative one? Our Circle Business Model will show you how you can do this and offer you the tools.
Transforming Health Care
Transforming Tourism
What is needed for a healthy and regenerative health care system?
What is needed for a healthy and regenerative health care system?
Guidance and Mentoring for self-organization
Teambuilding on same eye-level
Do you want to up your game and become a truly self-organizing team? Our Guides and Mentors from 7Generations know how to do this.
What is needed for your team to expand and evolve? How can you listen to all the voices and make decisions where every voice matters?
Mindfulness Practice
A new culture for Innovation & Co-Creation
New collaboration needs not only effective business teams. It needs an awake group of people who are willing to explore new paths.
Creating new ideas is not about speed, but about listening to oneanother and building on each other's ideas. We need a new culture for co-creation.
Regenerative Architecture
Recruiting on same eye-level
Join our series of Regenerative Architecture training fires! A journey of connecting, sharing, researching and co-creating the new ways forward in the regenerative paradigm – at 7Generations at the Innovationsdorf in Bern.
Finding people who are hungry for the visions and dreams you are holding with your team, takes dedication, patience and team-based processes.