Regenerative Architecture

Regenerative Architecture is an initiative by 7Generations and partners to grow the way you look at designing and building communities for living, learning and or working together in regenerative ways.

Join us for our next training fire and meet other inspired architects, planers, engineers and dreamers to explore how you can make a difference for the next 7 generations.
– Can you imagine to build for the next 7 generations? We can.
Transforming the way we design, plan and build.
Moving from functionality and sustainability towards regeneration and 7 generational thinking

We are looking forward to meeting interested architects, planners, engineers and dreamers for this global initiative of transformation:

Building for the next 7 Generations

We are coming from a paradigm where believed that buildings need to be functional and sustainable in energetic terms. But are we bold enough with this approach? We clearly believe that we need to go beyond sustainability and explore how a truly regenerative architecture and construction paradigm could look like.

We are a group of architects, designers and entrepreneurs who have learnt from the past 25 years of working in various fields how spaces are impacting people – no matter whether this is for co-living, co-working or co-learning.

We are clear why the way we build and make decisions for the design and use of buildings are not working. And we also have tools and ancient wisdom to move beyond this paradigm of pyramidical power structures, fear and greed in our world.

Now we see the need to connect with other interested professionals and humans who want to use our buildings, parks and neighbourhood in both urban and rural areas in better ways than what we have previously been able to.

Are you up to join us on this journey of exploration where questions are more important than answers?

SYMPOSIUM 8th June 2023 Regenerative Architecture

Regenerative Architecure has been on our hearts for a long time. With our Symposium we want to keep nourishing the dialogues on what regenerative architecture and building for the next 7 generations can be all about.

Participation fee:

Early Bird fee (register till 6th of April) : CHF 140.-/person
Regular fee: CHF 200.-/person including lunch
Team fee (>4 people): CHF 140.-/person
Group fee (>10 people): CHF 110.-/person

No one will be turned away for financial reasons. If finance is a topic for you - get in touch.

For the payment via stripe, click here:

To sign up, click here and respond to a few questions for our preparation: 
Sign up

Get in touch! E-mail or call us +41 (0)31 371 69 79

Regenerative Architecture taskforce at 7 Generations:

Valerie Asch, Consultant
Daniel Jaeglé, Architect
Diego Sanchez Vila, Architect and Consultant
Matti Straub-Fischer, Senior Consultant and Council Guide

Do you want more? Join our Training Fires: Details

A Training Fire is an active sharing and co-creation with all involved. A learning journey to bring together our knowhow and wisdom gatherd so far. Where we collaborate on same eye-level as every voice matters.

You? Regenerative Architecture is an offer for architects, planners, construction workers & interested people. Are you hungry for a new kind of sharing and co-operation? Then join us for a next training fire to get to know us and learn more about how and what we are working on together.

Our Training Fires will be held every 2 weeks - starting 31.08.22, 10am to 12 (noon) Swiss / CET, at the Innovationsdorf in Bern or  you can join us via zoom.

Participation fee:
for one time CHF 20.- (both for in person and online participation via zoom)
Or for joining for 3 months (7 Training Fires): CHF 120.-
Or for 6 months (14 Training Fires): CHF 200.-